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Cello Workshop Praha 7.


Winter Breath

Welcome to my first blog entry!

Today was a snowy day in Prague! Getting inspiration from nature, I would like to share with you my original music called "winter breath" - I composed it for my good friends in Hungary.

"Dance and Nature" photo and film installation are composed along the values of Harmony, Empathy, Accepting, Adopting and Uniting. The purpose of the show is to present how the meaning of dance changes when transported from the box-like context of theatre into Nature. This change offers a complex aesthetic quality to the viewer: simultaneous experiencing of natural elements and dance harmonising with them. At the same time, the dancer gains power and inspiration by drawing on the energies of Nature and on the physical experience of acting in organic unity with surrounding Nature. Film credits:

Gyula Hajdú (film)

Janka Balogh (dance)

Orsolya Vági (music)

Jirka Mucha (audio mastering and mixing)

Study level: for advanced cellists

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